Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Heck yes, Harry Potter!

I know a lot of people think that Harry Potter is lame (muggles!!) and some think it even evil... but I have to admit that I think the entire series and magical world are wonderful, enchanting and so creative.

Alas, Joel convinced me to see the 12:05AM showing last night, so I guess that gives me a few nerd points. I only got about four hours of sleep before starting a new workday. But I mean, I've got to have my priorities.

I want to cover myself and just put this out there to save my cool blogger reputation: I am not obsessed. I didn't even think to dress up like a wizard or witch or bring a drumstick as a wand to the theater last night (I wish I would have...) I have not ordered the final book coming out later this month. I don't own any of the books or movies (I mooch the books off of my neighbors' kids). I have only read each book and seen each movie once and am still not clear on the characters, twisting plots, and misc. magical intricacies. I would like to read them again; they are extremely well-written, fast-paced, awesome... but I don't know if I'll ever get the time for that. And if I do begin to reread them, I will pretty much have to forfeit my life until I finish because I simply cannot put them down. Some people (i.e. Matt) disagree.

The newest movie, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, is the best movie yet. The last book is coming out this month--oh, they grow up so fast!! *sentimental*

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