Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I move into a new apartment today!

Can you believe I ended up living at home for a little over a year? Crazy how time passes. Living at home is a good life. Little responsibility, $FREE$, come & go.

Unfortunately even though I live with my family I spend literally NO time with them. I feel bad about this. Somehow my relationships with them have gone down since living with them--and not from arguments or disagreements--simply I all did was sleep there. The problem with living so far away from where I work, church and school is that I leave at 7am and didn't return till 11pm. No familial contact. I hope that in moving out, I can go over on Saturday mornings or an evening for dinner. Call to chat. etc.

I'm looking forward to living centrally to my life to have a base of operations and home to relax, cook, be organized. Living further away has added another pinch of craziness and disorganization and stress.

Still trying to figure out a Sabbath. *shaking head* There is so much I have to do that I already don't have time to do!! Seek ye first... yeah... I hope my new living arrangement can add some more peace, free time, and organization to my life.

I'll keep you posted!

Things I am looking forward to:
* cooking (I've been purusing, have already made a grocery list, and am looking forward to planning menus for optimal health and budgeting!)
* entertaining
* living in community with some cool girls
*jogging (Dave & I are goign to start a "Couch to 5k" running & walking program next week)
* carving out a little bit of peace and quiet every day - to journal, pray, read the Word
* walking/riding my bike to grocery store, community group, Dave's, work, church
* having my own space to decorate, clean, BE
* getting all of my stuff organized, giving away/freecycling anything I don't use or wear!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
